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Sunday, February 6

Response to Al Sharpton re: Quanell X Video

In trying to understand just WHY we in Houston aren't up in arms over the released video is much more involved than simply calling us apathetic.  Take into consideration that the weather was the main topic on the news this week. I'd heard that the tape had been released, but the anchor reported it so casually that I believed it hadn't been viewed yet! They didn't show it during the broadcast I watched.  Please read the commentary by Rick Casey, a Chronicle reporter, to gain a little more insight (http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/casey/7414994.html).  If there was anything he left out, it was that people here often seem afraid to be on the side of controversy. And Quanell X? Controversy must be his middle name.  The second thing that I believe comes into play is the lack of unity in the community leadership as mentioned on your show.  These organizations still battled over an "official" Martin Luther King Jr Day parade location (and held two each year) up until last year! If there is a movement, I'll be there - loud and proud. I grew up in DC and have seen marches for much less gain national attention. Please stay on this issue. Thank you. 

Posted via email from Makiel Talley - Profiled


Saturday, January 29


my (former) mac

This is the mac I saved for two years to buy and waited for two months to take out of my apartment. This is the mac that I spent two months devouring and discovering its charm and tremendous power. This is the mac on which I would finally finish writing that story lurking inside of me, muffled screams crying to be heard.  This is the mac that waited patiently for me as I ventured into my job for a bit but got sidetracked by my coworkers and responsibilities.  This is the mac that heard the alarm of my car go off while everyone else between the bank and the chinese restaurant ignored the obnoxious sound in the little strip shopping center where I work.  This is the mac that was hiding under the trash bag in the bag with the library books.  This is the mac that was stolen after only being with me for two glorious, but few, little months by a greedy, insensitive, all-too-experienced criminal.  A criminal-minded thug who decided my 1998 4Runner with the rusty paint job looked as if it had an owner who could either afford to be violated, or deserved to be without such a lavish luxury. I hope whomever the end recipient of my hard-earned purchase is not only grateful, but deserving of such a gift.  I have to believe that God would only allow such a person to have the mac learned so easily I loved.


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